Mosman Council is consulting residents about installing a raised pedestrian crossing on Military Rd. adjacent to the Gouldsbury St. intersection at Mosman Junction. (outside August The Old Place Cafe / Restaurant).

Residents have not requested one, or have pedestrian safety experts recommended one.

Its purpose is to provide traffic calming on Military Rd. necessary to gain NSW Govt approval for a 40km High Pedestrian Area zone between Spit Junction and Mosman Junction.

Councillor Simon Menzies supports gaining NSW Govt approval for a 40km zone but by calming traffic using a "speed cushion" (see photo below) or the like instead of a raised pedestrian crossing.

To gain approval for a 40km zone, Mosman Council should use a traffic calming device that doesn't require removal of parking spaces or make traffic congestion worse.

An example of what could be used instead of a crossing is shown here.

Have Your Say!

Mosman Council is conducting community consultation on this issue till Feburary xx 2025.

Follow the link to Mosman Council's website and Have Your Say!